Have You Been Wronged?
Each year, more than 2 million people are injured — and as many as 100,000 killed — by the side effects and complications of prescription drugs, according to The American Medical Association.
Some of these tragedies are due to improper dosage and allergic reactions. However, many occur because pharmaceutical companies fail to warn consumers of defective drugs or medical devices.
If you are a victim of a prescription drug side effect, you have come to the right place. The mission of Healthcare Advocacy Group is to help consumers learn about these side effects – and about their legal rights when they have been hurt.
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For most people, the process of assigning liability to a multi-billion dollar international company can seem daunting. However, it is your right to file a claim and seek settlement.
Product Side Effects
For nearly 100 years, the United States court system has ruled that manufacturers of defective products are liable for foreseeable injuries caused by their negligence. The same applies to companies who make and sell defective drugs or medical devices.
In many cases, reports to the FDA are the starting point of awareness. In other cases, independent researchers may investigate a pattern of side effects. The FDA, medical organizations, and public health groups will publish warnings that attract media attention.
If you have experienced a side effect or complication from a pharmaceutical drug, it is your right to consult a lawyer to learn your legal options.
Legal professionals help victims file claims for damages in various state courts.
These cases are often consolidated into one special federal court to serve thousands of patients with the same injury.
Unsafe Drugs & Medical Devices
This type of lawsuit — for injury or death from a defective drug or medical device — can be very complex and time consuming for a lawyer to handle. But rest assured, some of the most qualified legal counsel in the country are available to help victims fight these powerful drug companies.
It is in your best interest to secure a lawyer with experience in handling these specific types of cases. When a drug company is held liable for hundreds or thousands of injuries, the victims can recover substantial damages. Those funds will help with vital treatment, family care and reimbursement of losses for years.
healthcareadvocacygroup.com works only with experienced and highly qualified defective drug and medical device legal counsel. These professionals specialize in mass tort litigation to make sure your case is handled properly. If you need help, a lawyer can discuss your claim confidentially, advise you of your options, and take the steps necessary to secure the recovery you deserve.